Bass Viol
In 2013 I went to play the bass viol in the Harris Festival in the Outer Hebrides. I love the bass viol and I'm keen to play that instrument and its music in far flung places, or any place where a viol hasn't been sighted recently.
Wherever I go with my viol, folk are so curious about it. For the classical music aficionado it is
no mystery; to many it is a strange and exotic instrument. Have viol, will travel!
Here I am in St. Clements church in Rodel on the Isle of Harris, after a short recital of pieces by Captain Tobias Hume. The church is known as Tùr Chliamhainn in Scottish Gaelic, meaning Clement's Tower. It was built in the fifteenth century.
Playing here was such a joy, I could have done the whole thing again just to revel in the beautiful sound of the building.
PHOTO: Martin Myers.

September 2019, I went back to Harris to play unaccompanied bass viol music by Tobias Hume, Abel, St. Colombe (and Anon.) on the Isle of Harris.
Talla na Mara Isle of Harris Distillery (didn't touch a drop, honest) and the Harris Hotel, Tarbert
I couldn't resist sneaking into the Rodel church first and playing a tune during the morning.

Playing bass viol at Talla na Mara (the place by the sea) on West Harris 2019
PHOTO: Martin Myers.